Tuesday, 26 July 2016

American Presidential Candidates- The better of two evils.

If you know me personally or follow my twitter you will know that the current presidential situation in America is incredibly frustrating to me. Although I am Irish and I will have no choice whatsoever in the matter, I would have supported Bernie Sanders. However Sanders is not relevant to this post so lets talk about the two presidential candidates, Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Before I start to write more I would like to say that I believe both candidates are terrible. As the title says it is the better of two evils. Lets talk about Clinton first. Now I do not know to what extent her reach is in America because I'm Irish, but from what the media and news show, it looks like she has tricked a lot of people. Note the key word I used, 'tricked'. We all know politicians lie but Clinton does it so well. Clinton, for me, is the definition of a career politician. Before her attempt at  running for presidency it was known from Clinton's old statements, her tweets, that she is against what she says she is for in this presidential race. The LGBTQ community and racism. I know people's opinions can change but for me I believe its a little too coincidental that her views change when she begins to run for president. Also just a quick note I am for feminism. Feminism is so important in society. However when Clinton runs the "first woman to be president" as a value and it actually works, it annoys me. She does not represent women and if anything I believe it would be offensive for the first female president to be Clinton. She does not deserve that title.

Now onto Trump. Trump is a horrible person. If you don't believe that then I'd be very worried. Trump is xenophobic, racist and misogynistic. What a horrible unity. However at least we know this. It is a common fact that this is who Trump is. The fact that he wishes to build a wall to deal with immigration says a lot about the man. He represents a horrible stereotype of a white man in the western world. It is not a good image for America. Trump is not a politician, he is a business man. Recent interviews show this. He backtracks on himself, he fumbles through sentences and there is always controversy surrounding his campaign. Likewise with Clinton. Trump does not deserve to be the president of America.

Now for my opinion. Who do I believe the lesser of two evils is? I believe Trump is the lesser of two evils. Only based on the idea that we as a people know what to expect from Trump and he has been so extreme up until now that he can only possibly weaken his ideas. Clinton is a scary option. We know the drama surrounding her emails and the fact the she has not been investigated is mind boggling to me. We know what to expect with Trump, not with Clinton. Like Schrodinger's cat, is she a ticking time bomb waiting to go off, or not? Only time can tell.

Anyway that's the end of this blogpost. This is my own opinion so if you disagree tell me why! Discussions are healthy, so please argue if you wish.
Until next time.

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