For whatever reason, I believe that blogposts must be long and entertaining at every sentence. However I suppose that's not the case and perhaps I have sub-consciously used that as a personal excuse to avoid writing.
How silly of me. Like a good book or poem, they do not have to be long, just of interest to the intended audience. Who is my intended audience? I don't know. I write for myself mostly and for people to see my writing and make a passing remark, be it a good or bad remark.
These simple things are examples of what I think about when I attempt to write a post and then delete it before I publish it. I also think these things when reading. I like to place myself in the readers shoes and try understand there desire to write this certain novel, and was I the audience the book was intended for.
I don't know what this blogpost is, nor do I expect more than one person to read it, but its a small insight into my thoughts on writing and reading; albeit a very small insight.
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